Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

laminae pharyngis

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Top level systema digestorium Short Extended
Level 2 pharynx Short Extended
Current level laminae pharyngis
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
15919 tax
laminae pharyngis
láminas del faringe
15920 tax
tunica muscularis pharyngis
túnica muscular del faringe
55072 2487 tax
tela submucosa pharyngis
tela submucosa del faringe
55074 2486 tax
fascia pharyngobasilaris
fascia faringobasilar
55031 2488 tax
tunica mucosa pharyngis
túnica mucosa del faringe
16007 tax
lamina propria mucosae pharyngis
lámina propria de la mucosa del faringe
16008 tax
lamina epithelialis mucosae pharyngis
lámina epitelial de la mucosa del faringe
55075 2489 tax
glandulae pharyngeales
glándulas faríngeas
8 lines
75.0 %
75.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 15919
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 7
Number of children 7 (validated)
Proper units 8
Number of units 8 (validated)
Signature 3787 (validated since 16.12.2024)
Date: 21.12.2024